Karen here.
My dear sweet Magnus is now 8 months old!
Now that he is sleeping through the night (8pm - 6am! Woo hoo!) I almost feel like a brand new person. I have so much more energy these days. I can really enjoy him. And I have been.
I've never been more in love. :)
We started going to mom-tot swimming so that Magnus would get used to the water prior to going to the cottage. Here are the before and after pictures of his very first day of swimming.

Poor guy was SO cold afterwards!
He also went for his first swing ride.He wasn't overly impressed.
So my little man has started pulling himself up.
Pull To Standing
I have to be careful to watch when he does so in case he falls cuz we haven't 'baby-proofed' the house yet. And I highly doubt I will be one of the crazies who puts styrofoam protectors on every corner of furniture (yes, I was doing one crazy thing which I stopped - I used to use a spoon for each part of his meal - one for the meat, one for the veggie, one for the cereal - many people {parents mostly} helped me see the error of my ways).
Not only is he able to pull himself up, he's also started 'cruising' along the furniture!
Of course, Magnus thinks it's a game, but I think it's practice. I set up a favourite toy (usually the remote at home - this video was taken at the cottage - those are Bridget and Frannie's feet waiting to catch him should he fall) and place him as far away from it as possible. He's gotten to be pretty darn fast!
So has his crawling!
'Flash' the Crawler
And his ability to crawl is a means to feed his incessant curiosity. Inevitably he gets himself into trouble sometimes.
Besides the physical realm which he has always been good at, Magnus has finally said his first 'word'. Well, not really. He's finally started saying a consonant-vowel combo. I think it's 'ba'?
Ba Ba Ba
Love. Love. Love.