With Matt away for the work week, my mum made it to Toronto to help me with Magnus for a few days. Without her help it would have been really hard to put a full day in at work due to our babysitter's hours.
Magnus had a ton of fun hanging out with his Oma. One night he was too caught up in reading books with her that he didn't give one hoot that I had walked in the door (the first time THAT'S happened). They read his stories over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and... it was almost never ending. But they also did some good ol' fashioned horsing around too.
Matt returned Thursday, so to thank my mum for helping us out, she and I went to the spa today. She had never had the 'true' spa experience where you wear your white robe from room to room, treatment to treatment etc. Now, we didn't spend all day there, but we had a lovely and very relaxing time.
Thanks again, mum. It was great having you here. XX