So I've recently done 2 posts about Magnus, so it's Pearl's turn. Fair is fair.
Our little girl is almost a whopping 4 months old, and I haven't posted any recent pictures or videos. Even though many people have asked for them, I have to admit that I've been a tad busy. When you throw getting ready for Christmas onto an already overflowing to do list while you take care of a rambunctious 2 year old and a new 3 month old... well you get the picture.
But anyway. Excuses aside, let's talk about Pearl.
She really is the apple of my eye. But she's a total chub monster. She weighs over 16 pounds already and she looks it. She's all cheeks and Buddha-belly and thunder thighs. Not only that but she wears 9 month clothes. She's a Rasmussen alright.
She doesn't do a heck of a lot yet except hang out. She'll strike up a conversation when it suits her fancy, and on those occasions when she IS in the mood, it melts your heart.
And apparently, she's a girl after her daddy's own heart. :)
Another thing she loves, which is a new activity, is to hang out on the swing while her older brother burns off some energy on the playground.
She's been able to roll over for a while now, at least one direction. And she recently surprised us the other day by rolling on her other side! She's a quick one so it was hard to get a video of her doing it, but success!
And we've been working on sitting up. It'll be a while yet before she can sit up on her own, but she's doing well!
Pretty darn cute. ;)