Sunday, 24 January 2016

Recent Shinanigans

Karen here.

We've been a little busy lately. First we were getting ready for Christmas (Well, that was mostly me this year. This was the first time that Magnus understood what was going on, Who knew how much time you have to spend getting ALL THOSE PRESENTS!?). Then in January we've been incredibly busy trying to cross some things off our never-ending-and-always-expanding To Do list. I won't get into the details, but it's a lot. So much so that Matt and I had to sit down one night to prioritize and assign duties, in addition to separating them into short, medium and long term To Do's.

Yup. 2 peas in a pod.

So since we now feel like we have control back over our lives and things aren't piling up on top of us, I can take a few to record some of the recent shinanigans.

This one is my favourite. Just listen at the end.

That was "I'm Stuck". A phrase we hear a lot these days. I'm still thankful that Mags can't open doors, not intentionally anyway. Soon, though, we'll have to install extra locks on the exterior doors!

Magnus recently fell in love with the vacuum, or 'keaning up' as he calls it. This was the first time he turned the hose towards himself.

Mags isn't much of a singer (takes after his dad you know). But when Mags starts "singing" you'd swear you hear Mike Myers reciting poetry in his movie "So I Married An Axe Murderer" (circa 1993).

Just sayin'.

Mags has now entered the world of make believe. Daily or rather multiple times a day, he calls out "Ghosts". Apparently we have ghosts living upstairs. But it's not a problem because they sleep during the day. Monsters have also recently entered into the picture, but that's the extent of the imagination I'm afraid. For now I guess. He does like pretending to be a ghost though. :)

He's also become camera shy.

But he loves colouring with markers. Here he is wearing his 'marker shirt' which is one of Matt's old dress shirts. So adorable!

And just before we visited all our family at Christmas, we thought it was about time Mags got his first hair cut. We took him to the place Matt goes because they have race car kids chairs. Little did we know they would also give Magnus a balloon animal AND a lollipop! They were really great there. Here he is before, during and after (totally unphased as we should have guessed).

Meanwhile, Pearl is as Pearl does.

That tongue of hers is rarely in her mouth. It's probably because the thing is like a foot long. People are not supposed to have tongues that long, let alone babies. She takes after my mum's mum in this respect. That hardened Dutch woman could easily touch the tip of her nose with her tongue. I can hit the base of my nose, but not the tip! I'm betting Sweet P here will be able to do the same no problem.

Pearl is starting to get frustrated at not being as mobile as she would like to be. But she's more mobile than you would think. She can easily turn in a circle, which I discovered one day. I had set her up on her tummy facing into the kitchen, and a moment later I heard a 'twang'. She had turned herself around and found a new play thing.

And she spends quite a bit of time jumping, which she loves.

Together, they're pretty cute.