Sunday, 1 December 2013

Meet Magnus / Little Bruce Lee

Although Magnus has recently been out and about (Steph & Rob's, Wayne the drycleaner, and, yes, Uncle Brent's bar) and has had many local visitors (friendly neighbours, Karen's school friends, former colleagues), I realized that many people only know Magnus from still photos.  These photos do not give one a true appreciation of the man-child.  Of course, whenever I have tried to video tape his cuteness, he decides to cry, and then yell, and then scream, and then wail (all very progressively different and more extreme noises). 

However, I think that I finally caught him after a successful diaper change.  All I have to do now is figure out how to post it to the blog. Youtube says it didn't download, yet I think I've linked it.  If not, I might have to wait until Mangus is 3 so that he can show me.  Let's hope it works. 
(By the way, you can ignore the mumbled commentary.  Balboa enunciated more clearly.)

 Still hoping his raccoon noises go away.  Unfortunately, they seem to be getting worse!

1 comment:

  1. Loved it! We'll take more of that any time. You are becoming a wizard of technology!
