Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Magnus is 5 Months Old!

Karen here.

On April 1, Magnus turned 5 months old.

He can cry at will, but tends to whine more often than not when things aren't going his way. He downright demands attention, and he'll get it any way he can, flirting with practically everyone he sees. He throws toys away when he is done with them, and then he reaches for them only to fall on his face (he can't push himself up into a sitting position yet - 2 months away from that still). So I spend my days setting him back up in a seated position with a toy on his lap only to pick him up a minute later. He still shrieks in delight, and he is babbling more and more, if that's possible. Here he is watching one of his favourite TV programs.

Magnus Watching 'The Wiggles'

And he's mastered raspberries.


In packing to come to Halifax for 3 months, we didn't anticipate that Magnus would have outgrown all the 6 month clothes with 6 weeks to go. I had packed all the 9 and 12 month clothes we had as well, but they amount to very few outfits. So I had a field day at Value Village and Walmart! He's just so damn long and he has such big feet! The seems were popping on all his onesies! And his Popeye pipes popped too!

His eczema is getting much better though. The prescription and recommendations from the doctor did nothing for him (so frustrating), so I checked out the Eczema Society of Canada's website. They recommended 2 - 3 five to twenty minute baths a day followed by moisturizing. So Magnus now has a regimen of 2 five minute baths a day (morning and night) and he gets moisturized with Aveno Baby Eczema Care Moisturizer every time his diaper is changed. So finally he is getting some relief! It was significantly improved in just a day, and now it looks like it's gone. But I know from experience that if it looks gone it's not necessarily true. So we're sticking with the plan for a while longer. "Poor lamb," as Peg would say. :)

On a brighter note, Magnus has been jumping on our laps for a month now, so we ponied up and bought a jolly jumper... one of the portable ones that don't hang from a doorway. And he loves it! He despises being in the swing because he knows I ignore him to take care of duties in the kitchen. So I love the Jolly Jumper too cuz I can get some work done! He has so much fun jumping and babbling away. Check out his very first jumps!

First Jolly Jumper Jumps

And I am oh so pleased to announce that we started Magnus on solids this past month! And boy was he ready. He lapped up his rice cereal like there was no tomorrow! And he didn't have a problem because ever since he was 2 months old we've been using a spoon to feed him his probiotic drops and his vitamin D drops. So he was a ol' pro! Check out his very first bites!

First Bites

Thankfully filling up on baby cereal before bed has helped him sleep better. He falls asleep faster and sleeps longer now. So I am a happier camper these days too cuz I get better sleep too! We'll be ready for sleep training soon!


  1. Wow...time is flying by already:) We need to spend a little time with that boy this summer.

  2. c'est cute!!! love the videos...he'll be eating steak by July!!

    His eyebrows have a life of their that boy!
