Matt, here.
A little hello. After spending 3 days in Old Montreal for work I got back Thursday night to, amazingly, a child that did not crawl screaming away from my presence! Woo hoo. This past summer, whenever Karen and Magnus had been away for a few days, he would want nothing to do with me upon their return. This time, however, he came right into my arms, stuck his fist in my mouth (as he is want to do), and all was normal again.
That was a good sign for this morning. It seems that we have gotten into the habit where each weekend we alternate mornings for sleep-ins. This morning it was my turn to get up with the screaming baby. Hmm, I put him to bed last night, too (which we alternate...a lesson we took from my brother Jud and his wife, Jill). I just realized that means I am now free! It's not my night to put him down and tomorrow is my morning to sleep in! I should go buy a lottery ticket!
Sorry, got off track a little there with all the excitement. Anyhow, Mags and I had a good morning before Karen got up. Well, at least my definition of a good morning. No issues at snack time and a little TM (that's Thomas Magnum for the uninitiated). Is there really any better type of father-son bonding? I should write commercials for the freaking Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Screw running after the garbage truck together! (A beer to those who get the reference).
Mmm, bananananas |
Showing off alternating mitts |
Magnus and his reindeer catching up on some TM |
Well, I got to go. Summer has finally arrived in SW Ontario. There's not a cloud in the sky and their calling for mid-20s. Great weather for laundry and groceries (and a nap)!
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