Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Magnus Is 11 Months Old!

Karen here.

On October 1st, Magnus turned 11 months old. And every day brings new surprises. He crawls about his room (where all the books are constantly strewn across the floor) looking for the perfect book. Then when he finds it, he looks me straight in the eye, holds the book up in the air above his head and waves it at me. Obviously, he wanted me to read it to him. So I started asking him to give the book which he now happily does. But if backfired. We sit in his room together and read the same book over and over and over and over and over and over and... You get the picture. I love that he loves his books. But geez. Learn to read already!

Besides his fascination with books, he is still exploring the larger world, making new discoveries every day. Here he figured out how to maneuver his little body to be able to open a cupboard.

He has always loved to be chased, but now he likes to be chased either to the closet, or the bathroom or his room where he can shut the door on you, giggling all the while.

Needless to say, he still gets frustrated because not everything comes easy peasy. And we somehow let him get into a habit of whining when he doesn't get his way (at the dinner table is the absolute MOST annoying!).

However, once he gets something down, he's a natural. :)

So, admittedly, we ARE proud parents, discussing his new feats on a daily basis. Matt said just the other day, "You know, the book said that he MAY be perfecting his pincer grip these days. But didn't he do that weeks ago?". So cute, right? Well, proud we may be, just like every other set of new parents. But we have a right to be. HE STANDS!!!

AND HE WALKS!!! (well, almost)

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