Wednesday, 26 November 2014

A Boy Not Named Sue

Matt here.

Johnny Cash wrote of a man who named his son Sue in order to make him tough.  We, instead, have decided to dress him in one of the old toques that my nan had made for me.  My sister, Trina, found it in her collection and sent it east from Seattle.  Magnus doesn't seem to be all that impressed.  
Our Unhappy Camper
"This is degrading for both of us."
I'm sure once he gets comfortable with it and smiles, he will look super cute. After all, it worked for me...38 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. You need to have him imprisoned in a pack'n'play outside while sporting the tuque (well, that is how I remember the photo of you). Maybe it can be put in his memory box now that we got a photo :). Nan sure was a good knitter. It has really held up over the years.
