Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Stacking, Pulling and Stomping, Oh My!

Karen here.

We've posted a few videos now where Magnus unloads our grocery bags and stacks the cans. It turns out that he spends quite a bit of time stacking actual 'stacking cups' while at daycare. I had tea a few weeks ago with our daycare lady (she lives down the street), and Magnus wowed me with this:

But all this stacking practice has entered our daily lives, like unloading the groceries. Or when we're out shopping. When we went for a walk a week ago, we stopped at good ol' Shoppers Drug Mart to pick up a few things. While Matt darted away to the post office line, I tried to entertain Magnus. It's not hard, really, if you let him do what he wants to do. Like take stuff off the shelves.

And yes, he did so at Canadian Tire too, but I only managed to capture the 'tail' end of it.

I also tend to take a number of videos where Magnus walks ahead of me, rarely capturing that cute grin of his. Rather, you see the back of his hat or snowsuit. For example, here he is a week or so ago wearing my gloves after soaking his at the park. I just think it's cute.

The last couple of days have felt like spring. It's been 7 degrees or more during the day and people on the street outside my work venture out to get coffee with no jackets! It's so great! And I'm sure Magnus can feel it too. I've picked him up from daycare the last few days and each time he insists on staying outside. Sounds good to me cuz I can only read "Little Blue Truck" so many times before I go crazy. Now, yesterday as we were walking home, he discovered a puddle... a fun muddy puddle at that. It was so cute to see he walk through it, turn around just to walk through it again. I caught the tail end of it again, but here he is exploring a puddle.

Yes, I'm a horrible mother, choosing to take a picture of my son's muddy face rather than clean him up right away. Can you blame me? :)

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